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Adding a Garage for Resale Value in Chicago, IL

A well-built garage is an invaluable asset in the Chicago real estate market. From adding a garage for resale value to simply boosting home equity with a garage, these multipurpose investments unlock unparalleled value. Partner with Better Built Garages to discover how to achieve increased home value with a garage.

Empowering Your Investment

At Better Built Garages, we take pride in exceeding the industry standard for garage construction companies. We work collaboratively to empower our customers’ investments to ensure exceptional garage construction ROI. With a wealth of experience, count on us for expert guidance, tailored solutions, and a streamlined approach to enhanced property value.

How to Achieve Increased Home Value With a Garage

Garage construction and property value go hand in hand. Prospective buyers consider a well-maintained or lavish new garage a significant asset. They see these additions as more than just indoor vehicle parking but a versatile, multipurpose space to accommodate various requirements and preferences.

Garage Upgrades and Resale ValueWell-Built Garage

It’s important to consider garage upgrades and resale value before listing your home. The garage remodel impact on resale value is exceptional, allowing you to boost your asking price for immediate return on investment plus the potential for more. Upgrades can be as subtle as a refacing project or as complex as a full overhaul.

Think Outside of Parking Spaces

Garage construction ROI is remarkable. These additions set the standard for usable space and functionality, catering to diverse homeowner demands. A spacious, well-insulated, and modernized garage can be used as a workshop, office, gym, studio, and more, making it a prime selling point that raises your property value by several percentage points.

Pique the Interest of a Diverse Buyer Demographic

Adding a garage for resale value does not solely target the mechanically inclined buyers of Chicago. In fact, the majority of buyers are eager to view homes equipped with garages. From parking spots to storage and hobbies, a garage is a huge selling point that attracts a more diverse buyer demographic.

Elemental Protection

From severe wind to rain and storms, protecting your vehicle is paramount. The same rings true for prospective homeowners looking for their perfect dwelling. A durable, structurally secure garage boasts protection from the elements, vehicle security, and safety for residents. These three key factors that drive the value of your property and attract a larger buyer base.

Prioritize Energy Efficiency

Modern garages are built to double as buffer zones. They reduce the amount of hot air that enters your home, helping to keep your indoor space cool and comfortable. This also places less strain on your HVAC, resulting in lower utility costs. For any potential buyer, cost-saving is always an attractive feature.

Enhanced Curb Appeal

While functionality is often a priority, curb appeal marks a buyer’s first impression of your property. New builds and garage renovation ROI plays a key role in the aesthetic appeal of your home in relation to your listing price. A stylish, architecturally cohesive property typically sells for far more than a garage-less or outdated home.

Tap Into Advanced Customization Options

To maximize adding a garage for resale value purposes, consider tapping into advanced customization options. Modern features and innovative amenities do wonders for your garage construction ROI. These additions may include high-tech security systems, built-in electric vehicle charging ports, custom-tailored storage shelving, high-quality insulated garage doors, and more.

Home Appraisal and Garage Quality

Before scheduling your appraisal, partner with Better Built Garages to assess the condition of your garage. Our experts can provide personalized recommendations to set you on track to increased home value with a garage refacing project or a complete overhaul. This allows you to embrace the garage remodel impact on resale value without delay.

Talk to Experts About Garage Construction and Property Value

If you’re considering new construction or garage upgrades and resale value, you’ve come to the right place. Boosting home equity with a garage that amplifies your property value is made easy with our experts at Better Built Garages in Chicago, IL. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.