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Energy-Efficient Garage Design in Chicago, IL

From remodels to new builds, embrace energy-efficient garage design with Better Built Garages. Opt for green garage construction and energy-saving garage features to combat wasted energy and elevated utility bills without compromising on functionality. As Chicago, IL’s leading garage experts, we’re here to bring value and cost savings to your home.

Environmentally Conscious Garage Design

Garages have a reputation as some of the least energy-efficient spaces in a home. At Better Built Garages, we’re here to change this fact by enhancing efficiency with sustainable garage building solutions. Partner with us to explore effective insulation strategies, eco-friendly garage construction, energy-saving garage features, and passive solar garage design.

Prioritize Insulated Garage Construction

Quality insulation is pivotal to the energy efficiency of your garage. The majority of older properties and even some newer properties are not equipped with proper, or any, insulation inside the garage walls. While siding, sheathing, and a particle board layer provide a degree of weather protection, they do very little in terms of insulation.

Premium Garage Wall InsulationEnergy Efficient Garage Construction

Embrace peak temperature control by opting for premium garage wall insulation. Investing in superior-quality insulation expedites your return on investment, as these materials effectively mitigate heat transfer during the summer and heat loss during the winter. As a result, you can cut back on energy waste, HVAC strain, and monthly utility costs.

Choose Energy-Efficient Garage Doors

Overlooking the significance of an insulated garage door can result in fluctuating indoor temperatures, increased heat transfer, and drafts, even if the rest of the garage is properly insulated. To mitigate waste and excess expenditure, optimize your green garage construction initiatives by pairing your wall insulation with well-insulated, energy-efficient garage doors.

Passive Solar Garage Design

Reliable heating may be a crucial component in your energy-efficient garage design. Step beyond the environmental and monetary drawbacks of gas or electric heating and opt for a passive solar garage design. Passive solar heating harnesses the power of the sun to heat your garage for reduced utility costs, minimized carbon emissions, and guilt-free warmth.

Sustainable Garage Building Materials

When planning your energy-efficient garage design, consider sustainable garage building materials. While insulation is beneficial, optimizing your siding, windows, and floor is key to a fully efficient space. This may sound complicated, but Better Built Garages is here to provide you with clarity to make informed, efficient, and eco-conscious choices for your home.

Optimize Your Garage Floor

If you’re building or renovating a garage over a concrete slab, ensuring your floor is in optimal condition is important. When concrete becomes compromised by cracks and gaps, it facilitates air flow and moisture entrapment, resulting in inconsistent temperatures and floor shifting or upheaval. To deter these risks, address and seal any existing damage.

Invest In High R-Value Siding

Energy-efficient garage materials are classified by their R-value rating. The higher the R-value, the better the insulation of the material. This is particularly essential when selecting your garage siding. The best siding materials include fiber cement, vinyl, wood, and insulated siding to achieve a combination of durability, protection, energy efficiency, and beauty.

Energy-Efficient Window Selection

Garage windows welcome natural sunlight, cosmetic flair, and heat transfer if you’re not mindful of your window selection. To reduce heat transfer by as much as 40%, choose energy-efficient windows. These windows feature at least two glass panes separated by high-density krypton, xenon, or argon to reduce energy waste and utility expenses.

Get Started With Energy Efficient, Insulated Garage Construction

Whether you’re seeking to introduce energy-saving garage features or passive solar garage design to your existing structure or achieve an eco-friendly new build, look no further than Better Built Garages. We are Chicago’s partner in energy-efficient garage design. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.