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A Guide to Garage Construction Budgeting in Chicago, IL

Investing in a modern garage is an exciting endeavor. However, it also comes with significant expenditure. To eliminate the guesswork and streamline your project, Better Built Garages is here to uncover effective cost-saving strategies for garage construction. We are your guide to mastering garage construction budgeting in Chicago, IL.

Start With the Basics: Garage Budget Planning

Before diving into garage building expenses and strategies for saving money on garage construction, let’s start with the basics. The first step in garage budget planning is creating a project roadmap. This means determining your garage’s intended role, spatial limitations, functional requirements, and aesthetic preferences to assess your projected material needs.

Garage Construction Cost Breakdown

Now that you understand your needs, it’s time to make a list of your new garage cost factors. This list may include the following:

  • Layout size and shapeNew Garage
  • Construction materials
  • Finishes and hardware
  • Windows and doors
  • Labor costs
  • Permitting when applicable
  • Additional features including plumbing, electrical, or HVAC

Size & Shape

The most defining new garage cost factors include the layout, size, and shape. The square footage of your space influences the amount of materials and labor required to complete the job. If you’re interested in saving money on garage construction, avoid large-scale, complex designs and cut back on costs with a modest yet practical one-car garage.

Material Selection

Premium materials come with a premium price tag. However, if there’s one area where you don’t want to cut corners, it’s insulation, siding, roof, windows, and garage doors. Fortunately, you can secure quality materials without exceeding your garage building expenses budget by working with a reputable company with competitive rates, such as Better Built Garages.

Labor Costs

Labor is another component in your garage construction cost breakdown. Invest in longevity, durability, and quality by choosing a highly rated garage company with transparent rates, upfront estimates, and a reputation for excellent customer service. Furthermore, never sign building agreements or put down deposits until you and your contractor are clear on costs, timelines, and expectations.

Effective Cost-Saving Strategies for Garage Construction

Now that we understand what is included in garage building expenses, it’s time to master the art of saving money on garage construction. With decades of industry experience, Better Built Garages’ is here to share some of the best garage construction budget tips. Minimize costs without minimizing quality with our trusted guidance.

Energy Efficiency for Rapid Return on Investment

Rather than initially saving money on garage construction, prioritize a rapid return on investment by opting for energy-efficient building materials. Energy-efficient windows, well-insulated doors, and high R-Value siding mitigate heat transfer and lower your monthly utility bills to quickly replenish the money spent on your garage with new-found cost savings.

Understand Your Requirements & Stick to Them

Perhaps our favorite garage construction budget tip is to only pay for what you need. By determining your layout, size, material, and labor needs in advance, you can avoid getting tricked into overpriced services and unnecessarily large garage designs. We recommend making a checklist of your requirements to stick to your budget.

Collect Estimates

One advantage of proactive garage budget planning is that it allows you to shop around. Research and ask friends and family for recommendations before settling on a contractor. We also encourage you to speak with the contractor directly and collect estimates to narrow your selection based on customer service and cost.

Budget Additional Garage Building Expenses

It’s always wise to budget additional garage building expenses into your projected costs. These may include unexpected incidentals, such as delays, building permits, or extra materials. Discuss this factor with your contractor to learn about their policy and protocols for handling unexpected costs that may arise.

Plan Garage Construction Budgeting With Chicago’s Experts

If you’re looking to get started on a new build or garage overhaul, choose Better Built Garages. Our experts are here to satisfy your garage construction budgeting requirements with competitive labor rates, premium materials, and industry-leading customer service. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.