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A modern white garage door with decorative panels

Keeping Your Home and Garage Secure

Ensuring the safety of your garage and home is vital in today’s world. With an increasing number of break-ins, adopting effective garage safety tips and home security advice can significantly enhance your peace of mind. Here are some essential strategies to help you in protecting your garage and home.

Securing Your Garage

Firstly, let’s address the importance of securing your garage. Garages are often overlooked when it comes to the security of a home, making it a prime target for intruders. One of the best garage security tips is to install a high-quality garage door. Choose a door with reinforced panels and an automatic locking system. Additionally, consider installing motion-sensor lights around your garage to deter potential burglars. These lights can startle intruders and alert you to any suspicious activity.

Secure Your Garage Door Opener

Another critical aspect of garage and home safety measures is ensuring your garage door opener is secure. Many people fail to change the default codes on their garage door openers, making it easier for thieves to gain access. Change these codes regularly and avoid leaving the remote in an exposed location like your car where it can be stolen easily. Instead, keep it on your keychain or invest in a smart garage door opener that can be accessed via your smartphone.

Secure Entry Points from the Garage

Preventing garage break-ins also involves securing any entry points into your home from the garage. Ensure that the door connecting your garage to your home is as secure as your front door. Use a solid-core door with a deadbolt lock. For added security, install a peephole or a small window with a security film so you can see who is on the other side without opening the door.

Install a Comprehensive Home Security System

Home security strategies extend beyond just physical barriers. Incorporating a comprehensive home security system is one of the best home safety best practices. Modern security systems offer a wide variety of features including cameras, alarms, and smart locks, all of which can be monitored remotely. Many systems also include sensors for doors and windows, which can alert you immediately if any are tampered with.

Maintain Good Lighting Around Your Home

In addition to these measures, maintaining good lighting around your home and garage is crucial. Install exterior lights with motion sensors and ensure they cover all entry points. This not only deters criminals but also provides you with a clear view when arriving home at night. For inside the home, consider using smart lights that can be set on timers or controlled remotely, giving the appearance that someone is always home.

Consider Landscaping

When thinking about home security advice, don’t overlook the importance of landscaping. Intruders can use overgrown trees and bushes as cover. Keep your bushes trimmed and ensure that windows and doors are visible from the street. This visibility can act as a deterrent, as criminals prefer targets that offer them some degree of cover and concealment.

Neighborhood Watch Programs

Lastly, getting to know your neighbors and establishing a neighborhood watch program can be incredibly beneficial. Neighbors who look out for each other can quickly spot and report suspicious activity, adding an additional layer of security. Together, you can keep each other safe.

Enhance Your Home’s Security with Better Built Garages

Securing your garage and house involves a combination of security measures, awareness, and community vigilance. By implementing these garage and home safety measures, you can reduce the risk of break-ins and make sure that your home keeps you and your family safe. At Better Built Garages, we bring over 60 years of expertise in custom garage construction and security solutions to help protect your home. Our family-owned and operated business in Chicago, IL, is dedicated to delivering unequaled quality and customer service. From high-grade lumber to state-of-the-art garage doors and openers, we offer everything you need to enhance your home’s functionality, security, and aesthetic appeal. Contact us online or at 708-799-9393 today to safeguard your property and discover why we are the trusted choice for all your garage door security and construction needs.